
New! DiZhao DZ-701 BOF, Solid Silver, Offset G, Factory Warranty!


SKU: 2320 Categories: , ,

These advanced student flutes are manufactured with the quality and care of a professional handmade flute, and are customizable to fit all kinds of use. Whether it be for the advanced high school student trying to maximize their potential or a serious college student looking at making music their career, these flutes have something for everyone. Featuring an all silver body and headjoint, these flutes are built to last throughout a student’s music career. Available for the 801 flutes are the C# trill and D# roller mechanisms.

General specs:
•    Solid sterling silver body
•    Silver plated keys
•    Solid sterling silver headjoint
•    B foot joint
•    Open hole
•    Cherry-red wood case (801 only)

•    Inline or offset G
•    Split E mechanism
•    Y-arms (701) or Pointed arms (801).
•    Custom headjoint! (see more information)
•    C# trill/D# roller (801 only)

Available models (base):
DZ 701 BOF: B-foot, Offset G, Open-hole, Y-arms, sterling silver body, silver plated keys, sterling silver headjoint
DZ 701 BGF: B-foot, Inline G, Open-hole, Y-arms, sterling silver body, silver plated keys, sterling silver headjoint
DZ 701 BEF: B-foot, Offset G, Split-E Mechanism, Y-arms, Open-hole, sterling silver body, silver plated keys, sterling silver headjoint

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